Becoming an Effective Dissertation Chair
Dissertation Perfection, LLC

Week 1

Welcome Video (What to Expect in this Course?)

Reading AssignmentVoices from the Field: What Current Doctoral Candidates Tell Us?

Assignment: Write and submit your comments and reflections to Voices from the Field.

(submit via email to:

Week 2

Video (This week's focus: Responsibilities of the Dissertation Chair)

Reading Assignments: (1) Leonard Casutto: Who's in Charge of the Dissertation?  (2) John Smith: The Dissertation: The Greatest Mystery in Graduate School, and Chair Responsibilities.
Assignment: Write and submit your comments and reflections to Cassutto and Smith.

(submit via email to:

Week 3

Video (This week's focus: Responsibilities of the Committee Members and Chair/Member Communication)

Reading Assignment: Scenario
Assignment: Respond to Scenario

(submit via email to:

Week 4

Video (This week's focus: Helpful Hints and Recommendations)

Assignments: (1) Add your own 'Helpful Hints and Recommendations' (submit via email). Also, a list of common errors found in dissertations - Eastern Carolina University for your  records.

Week 5

Video (This week's focus: Mastering Research Designs: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods).

Assignments: Complete the Final Exam below - download early and use it as you progress through the course. Complete as you move along. In week 5 or when you complete the course, complete and return via email for grading.
Course Certificate: Provide names and emails of your (a) Dean; (b) Department Chair and/or your Doctoral Program Director; and (c) Chair of your Tenure/Promotion Committee.  Dissertation Perfection will send certificated completion letters to the three and the fourth one to you. Note: Below is a draft copy of the Completion Letter for your review. If any additional information is desired, please advise when you forward names and addresses.

Instructor Office Hours and Contact Information

Instructor: Dr. Theodore Creighton
Office Hours by Appointment: M-F, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m (MST)
Cell:  970-749-7384