International Journal of Dissertation Research in Education

Why the IJDRE?

Purpose: to disseminate the results of doctoral research in the field of education. Practical interest is to publish doctoral dissertation research: (a) to provide doctoral students (and their advisors) a specific publishing outlet for the dissemination of their research, (b) to assist doctoral students in successfully publishing their work, and (c) to offer the field at large a significant and specialized database of the most recent studies, findings, and implications. In addition, such a publication will continue to serve up and coming doctoral students with a literature review that is most current and dynamic.

The International Journal of Dissertation Research in Education (IJDRE) is a Dissertation Perfection Publication of doctoral dissertations. Lead authors are recent doctoral graduates with chair or committee member/s serving as coauthor/s. Each dissertation listed has been peer-reviewed and approved by the senior editors of Dissertation Perfection

Dr. Theodore (Ted) Creighton
Executive Director and Senior Editor
Dissertation Perfection, LLC

How to properly reference a dissertation following the APA 7th EditionJ   

Dissertation published online (not in a database), p. 334


McInerney, S. A. (2019). A study of curriculum customization in the era of standardization of education [Doctoral dissertation, Seton Hall University]. International Journal of Dissertation Research in Education.


Parenthetical Citation: (McInerney, 2019) 

Narrative Citation: McInerney (2019) 



Dr. Sylvia  A. Dixon McInerney 

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Dr. Daniel Opoku-Mensah 

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Dr. Robin Hubnik Hickerson 

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Dr. Mary Beth Womack 

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Dr. Danielle Gallup Truszkowski 
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Dr. Daniel  Palombit 

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Dr. Benjamin Weber 

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Dr. Eugenia K. Bullock

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Dr. Peter A. Zitko 

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Dr. Rikki Hatfield 

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Dr. Angela Melde 

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  • Dr. Kasey R. Coggin 

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Dr. Janice Sinoski

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Dr. Larry C. Gajewskey 

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Dr. Bonnie Sue Molina 

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Dr. Jack Franke 

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Dr. Charles Sanders 

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Dr. Emily Kay James

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Dr. Armand Lamberti

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Dr. Matthias de Ferrieres

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Dr. Nicol-Azizi Leilani Russell

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Dr. Frances Nana Ofosu-Amaah

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Dr. Michael Paul Waide

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Dr. Gary L. Owens, Jr.

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Dr. Ryan McCloskey
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Dr. Sonia Sharma
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Dr. Dianna Marinaro

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 Dr. Adam Larsen   

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Dr. Mark Molinaro
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Dr. Warren Hynes
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Dr.  Annette Puglisi Freshour

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Dr. Andrea Padelsky

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Dr. Lauren Zirpoli

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Dr. William Felegi

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Dr. Danielle Liautaud-Watkins

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