Welcome to
Dissertation Perfection

Professional Editing of Doctoral Proposals and Dissertations

Assisting Professionals in Academia 


We are very selective and only employ editors with Ed.Ds or Ph.Ds and who have extensive experience with chairing dissertations. Our editors have taught graduate research courses at Research 1 and 2 universities such as 
Virginia Tech, University of Wyoming, Idaho State UniversitySam Houston State University, American College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, and the United States Coast Guard. Our Senior Editors are required to have a solid background in research training: including research design, statistical analysis, and report writing. Editors have published work in both manuscripts and full-length books, have extensive experience as peer-reviewers for academic journals, are Founding Editors of several professional journals, and possess extensive familiarity with the dissertation review and publication processes.

What makes Dissertation Perfection different, more reasonably priced,

and more professional than other dissertation editorial services?

1.     We employ highly qualified and experienced Senior Editors (see posted Curriculum Vita below), with experience chairing over 100 doctoral candidates from several different universities and with expert knowledge of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Style Guide. We align your Senior Editor with your specific research design (Each of our Senior Editors has special knowledge and experience with either Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed-Methods).

2.     Dissertation Perfection does not use ‘page count’ as a factor in quoting a fee. Instead, we look closely at existing style and formatting and judge our service from those two factors.

3.   Dissertation Perfection does not charge an ‘hourly rate’ – the fee we quote is the fee you pay – regardless of the number of hours required.

4.    Dissertation Perfection guarantees a review turn-around of your Dissertation (Tier 1) or Proposal (Tier 2) in 2-3 days.

5.    Our reviews consist of five layers of review:

       1. Thorough format and style review of Chapters 1,2,3,4,5;

       2. Our review includes Front Matter, Tables and Figures, Reference Section Cross-Check, and Appendices;

       3. Alignment with your college or university Dissertation Handbook;

       4. Cross-check for Dissertation Perfection Words Not to Use; and

6.   Dissertation Perfection provides our clients with THREE complimentary services (as part of your contracted fee):

       1. FREE and unlimited access (via email or phone) to your Senior Editor for any follow-up questions or clarifications desired after your review is received and continued up to the date of your Defense.

       2. FREE enrollment in Instructional Module: Now, What Do I Do with My Dissertation?  Details: Click on New  Doc Syllabus from the top Menu Bar for information.

       3. Peer-reviewed publication of dissertation in the International Journal of Dissertation Research in Education (IJDRE). Details at: https://www.dissertationperfection.org/dissertation-publications/

Who is your Senior Editor?

Dr. Theodore Creighton, Executive Director, and Senior Editor

Dr. Creighton received his Ed.D. from the University of California at Davis and is Professor Emeritus from Virginia Tech, where he served as Program Director for the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.  Previously, he taught at the University of Wyoming, Idaho State University, and Sam Houston State University where he served as the Director of the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership. Creighton has served as the Dissertation Chair of over 100 doctoral students, and though mostly quantitative methodologies, many were qualitative and mixed methods designs.  Prior to his experience in higher education, Dr. Creighton served as both a Principal and Superintendent of Schools in Fresno County, California.   


Dissertation Perfection Senior Editors specialize in the APA Style Guide. The APA Style Manual is commonly applied in the social and behavioral sciences, including the fields of business, education, and psychology.
Note: Dissertation Perfection follows the APA 7th Edition.

A Comprehensive Description of Our Reviews 

Dissertation Perfection Senior Editors follow the APA Manual very closely.  For example, our reviews parallel the APA Manual's Contents at a Glance.

1.  Mechanics of Style
     Punctuation, Spelling, Italics, Abbreviations, Use of Numbers, and Statistical and      Mathematical Language

2.  Writing Clearly and Concisely
    Manuscript Structure and Content,Organization and Writing

    Style,ReducingBias,Grammar and Usage

3.  Displaying Results

      Appropriate Formatting of Tables, Figures, or Other Visual Additions

4.  Crediting Sources

      Direct Quotation of Sources, Citing References in Text, Referencing Electronic Sources, and Cross-checking References in Text and Reference Section. 

5.  Dissertation Perfection Words Not To Use  in Academic Writing

     Suggestions for Words Not To Use including Why To Avoid and to Replace With

Submission Steps Made Simple Including Making Payment

Step 1: Email us a draft of your Dissertation or Proposal and send a copy to: dissertationperfection@gmail.com (state either a request for Proposal Review Chapter 1,2,3 or Full Dissertation Draft, Chapters 1,2,3,4,5). Be certain to include a draft copy.

Step 2: We will review your draft briefly and provide an estimate of our fee within 24 hours.  Your writing style is a major factor in determining the time required and the types of edits we will need to suggest. We are not a company basing the estimate on Page or Word Count - we are committed to providing you an estimate based on a thorough review of your entire dissertation or proposal.

Step 3If you decide to proceed with Dissertation Perfectionconfirm by sending us an email and we will then email a Proposed Invoice that you can either accept or not accept. We will honor the Invoice quote for 14 days.

Step 4: If upon your desire to accept the proposed fee: Send a personal check OR money order OR cashier's check made out to Dissertation Perfection, LLC along with direction for Deposit Only, Account # 1600235988, and send to the following: 

            Citizens First Bank

            Dissertation Perfection, LLC

            P.O. Box 1927

            The Villages, FL 32158-1927

Step 5: Send a confirmation email to: dissertationperfection@gmail.com (stating check was sent). We will get right on our review of your work. Our review/returns to you are generally within 24  hours.

Privacy Policy

Any information you provide to Dissertation Perfection is confidential.  We will not share any information with any outside parties.  For extra security and privacy, see our SSL Certificate below.

The fee paid to Dissertation Perfection has a no return policy and cannot be refunded.

Note:  Dissertation Perfection has a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate

An SSL Certificate is an electronic protocol that helps make communications over computer networks secure by ensuring that the content provided originates from a verified sender. In other words, when you interact with Dissertation Perfection, you can be confident that you are dealing with our company and not an impostor.

An SSL Certificate is also called a Digital Certificate, creating a secure link between our website and your browser.  By assuring all data passed between the two, everything remains private and secure.  

https is HyperText Transfer Protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), another protocol primarily developed with secure, safe Internet transactions in mind. SSL is a secure encryption Web protocol used to make data safe when transmitted over the internet. SSL is especially utilized on shopping sites to keep financial data secure but is also used on any site that requires sensitive data (such as a password or payment information).  Web searchers will know that SSL is being utilized on a website when they see https in the URL of a web page.